Opening a linked model element from a DOORS requirement (Integration for IBM Rational DOORS)
1. From DOORS, select the requirement object.
2. Using your preferred method of navigating links in DOORS, navigate to the linked surrogate object that represents the model element you want to open.
3. Select the surrogate object.
4. On the PTC Modeler menu, click View in Modeler.
1. From DOORS, select the requirement.
2. On the PTC Integrity Modeler menu, click View in Modeler.
3. From Modeler, open the Requirement's Property Pages, and then click the Items tab.
4. In the Show Associated list, select the appropriate traceability relationship type.
5. Select the required linked item, and then click the Properties button.
6. Right-click the background of the Property Pages, point to Find, and then click In Package Browser.
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