Task 6–3: Inserting and Formatting Math in Text
Inserting Math in Text Regions
1. Open a new worksheet, and then insert the following math expression.
2. On the Math tab, in the Regions group, click Text Box to insert a text box region.
3. Type in the following text.
4. On the Math tab, in the Regions group, click Math to insert a math region inside the text box region, and type the equation E:=m.c2.
PTC Mathcad treats the entered math region as any other math region in the worksheet.
5. Type in the following text and evaluate E.
6. Select the math region and then on the Math Formatting tab, in the Math Font group, select Wide Latin from the Font drop down list. The math expression takes on the selected formatting option.
7. Select the math region and then on the Math Formatting tab, in the Math Font group, select red from the Font Color drop down palette. The math expression takes on the selected formatting option.
8. Select the math region and then on the Math Formatting tab, in the Math Font group, select yellow from the Highlight Color drop down palette. The math expression region takes on the selected formatting option.
9. Select the math region and then on the Math Formatting tab, in the Results group, select (Engineering) from the Result Format drop down list. The math expression takes on the selected formatting option.
10. Select the math region and then on the Math Formatting tab, in the Math Font group, click Decrease Font Size twice. The font size of the expression becomes 9.
11. Select the math region and then on the
Math Formatting tab, in the
Math Font group, click
Remove Format. The format of the math expression is restored.