Task 6–4: Formatting a Worksheet
Global Formatting of Math Regions
1. Open a new worksheet and type in the following two math regions.
The default math font is Mathcad UniMath Prime, the default font size is 11, and the default font color is black.
2. Insert a text region (Font=Arial, Font Size=10) that contains a math region.
3. Insert another math region for evaluating y.
4. Click anywhere in the worksheet, excluding the math or text regions. On the Math Formatting tab, in the Math Font group, select 16 from the Font Size drop-down menu. The size of math in all the math regions becomes 16. The size of the text remains unchanged.
Global Formatting of Text Regions
1. Click anywhere in the worksheet, excluding the math and text regions.
2. On the Text Formatting tab, in the Text Font group, select 20 from the Font Size drop-down menu. The size of text remains unchanged.
3. Insert a new text region and type in the shown text. The font size of the new text is 20.
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