Navigating Kepware+ > Dashboard — Versions & Instances
Dashboard — Versions & Instances
Main View
This dashboard has four widgets and one grid. Use the browser Refresh button to refresh this page.
Widgets break down the total number of servers into different attributes. Each widget functions as follows:
Sites Count: the number of sites which include a server
Servers Count: the total number of servers in this entitlement
Sites Pie Chart: the number of servers under a site
Versions Pie Chart: the number of servers of each version
Agents Pie Chart: the number of servers with each agent version
The Detail Pane grid displays the servers in the entitlement, up to 100,000. The columns are broken down as follows:
Site: site for a specific server. This field can be clicked for navigation to the respective site.
Server: server used to connect to a server instance. This field can be clicked for navigation to the server.
Version: version of a server instance (see Version Health and Status for more details).
Hostname: hostname or IP address used to connect to a Kepware server instance.
Port: port number used to connect to a Kepware server instance.
Edge Agent: agent used to connect to a Kepware server instance.
The grid can be filtered with the pie chart widgets. Clicking on any combination of the slices from each pie chart applies that filter to the grid below and returns only the requested data. If no servers match the filter, the message “No matching servers found” is displayed with the empty grid.
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