Navigating Kepware+ > Detail Pane — Status and Version
Detail Pane — Status and Version
A server represents any Kepware software used to collect and forward data from devices to the cloud. The server must be configured properly and supported for proper use. You may create as many servers as you have licenses to support. To help users manage, collect data, and troubleshoot the ecosystem of servers and agents; Kepware+ includes several columns of information about versions and status.
This information is located on the Servers page in the Detail Pane.
See System Requirements for supported versions and products.
The Server Version column reports the Kepware server version. Options include: – the software version for the supported server
Unsupported – a known product with an incompatible software version
Unknown – incorrect configuration settings (such as Hostname or IP), the edge agent in use is disconnected, or a non-Kepware server has been detected
The Server Status column reports the Kepware server status. Options include:
Active – the Kepware server is running
Inactive (last seen <date>) – the Kepware server is not running, but has previously communicated (date provided if possible)
Unknown – no communication with Kepware server on the host
The status and version can report Pending - Please Refresh if the server is being newly defined and is not yet fully configured and connected.
A manual refresh of the page is necessary if it is the first time accessing the list of servers. It is recommended to wait for about a minute before refresh so connections can be established with each server.
If a server name is not highlighted in the list, it is disabled. This occurs when a server is unsupported.
The Kepware+ Agent Status column reports the Kepware agent status. Options include:
Connected – the agent is actively communicating with the server
Disconnected - the agent is not actively communicating with the server
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