Analysis Mashup
The analysis mashup (PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.Analysis_MU) is the main mashup for bottleneck functionality in the Performance Analysis tool. It includes the Filters pane and contained mashups for the navigation header, the main bottleneck chart, and the panes that display at the bottom of the page, and the empty states for the main chart and the bottom panes.
The Bottleneck page of Performance Analysis with a red rectangle indicating the analysis mashup.
The PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.Analysis_MU mashup uses the following widgets:
Multiple Label widgets.
A Tabs widget used for the Filters pane.
A Date Time Picker widget for the demand window Date Range filter.
Multiple Button widgets for the Apply and Reset buttons.
Multiple DropDown widgets for the Site, Area, Year, Demand Window, and Material filters.
Multiple Contained Mashup widgets:
The input parameters for the PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.Analysis_MU mashup are:
managerName—The name of the manager Thing from which the services on this mashup are run.
The PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.Analysis_MU mashup has no output parameters.
The mashup uses the following dynamic services from the PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.Management_TS Thing Shape:
CloneInfotable—Clones an infotable. Used to cache the infotable for the areas that are selected in the Area filter, when the Apply button is clicked.
GetAreasForSite—Retrieves all areas for the selected site.
GetMaterialDemandWindowsForYear—Retrieves all demand windows for the selected year.
GetMaterialDemandWindowYears—Retrieves all years with demand windows for the selected site.
GetMaterialsForDemandWindow—Retrieves all materials that could be produced at the selected site or area (if any) during the selected demand window.
GetSites—Retrieves all sites for the default enterprise.
IsMaterialDemandWindowWorkCenterType—Determines whether the demand window has demand set on work centers (true) or set on materials (false).
Dynamic services allow you to select the entity to execute a service at runtime. In this case, the service can be executed from any entity that implements the PTC.BottleneckAnalysis.Management_TS Thing Shape. For more information, see Dynamic Services in the Mashup Builder section of the ThingWorx Help Center.
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