Configurations (Administration Building Block)
Configuration Page—MenuConfiguration
The Configuration page of every manager Thing includes a MenuConfigurtion configuration table. Entries in this table with a menuName value of AdminMenuNavigation are retrieved by the GetMenus service on the PTC.Administration.Manager Thing, and are included in the Administration menu.
By default, the MenuConfiguration configuration table on the Configuration page of the PTC.Administration.Manager Thing contains three entries with a menuName value of AdminMenuNavigation (for the Equipment Management, Factory Definition, and Operations entries on the Administration menu), and one entry with a menuName value of MasterMenuNavigation (for the Administration entry on the main DPM menu).
Configuration Page—HistoricalLookbackConfiguration
HistoricalLookbackConfiguration table on the
PTC.AdminConfigurationImpl.Manager determines the number of months for which the historical list of actual cycle times is retrieved when
editing the ideal cycle time. The default value is
Manager Dependencies
Services in the PTC.AdminConfigurationImpl project are dependent on the managers that are registered for certain other building blocks. When a service references another manager, it looks first at the ManagerConfiguration table on the PTC.AdminConfigurationImpl.Manager Thing to see if it finds an entry for the specific id value. If it does not find an entry there, the service then looks at the DefaultGlobalManagerConfiguration table on the PTC.Base.Manager Thing.
The PTC.AdminConfigurationImpl project services reference the managers registered for the following id values:
• PTC.MaterialMaster.Manager
• PTC.MfgModel.Manager
• PTC.OperationKPI.Manager
• PTC.ReasonCode.Manager
• PTC.Shift.Manager
• PTC.WorkMaster.Manager
• PTC.StateMachine.Manager