Work Definition Converter Thing Shape Services
The following services are found on the work definition converter Thing Shape (PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionConverterThingShape):
ConvertFromProcessPlanID—Gets all process plan definitions and their related information from a Windchill process plan identifier, and puts them into the database by calling the BatchConvertFromProcessPlanID and BatchConvertFromProcessPlanIDContinuation services sequentially. Accepts navigation criteria as JSON input parameters to filter the process plan data being converted.
• Input Parameters:
◦ processPlanId (STRING)—The identifier for the Windchill process plan to be converted. When viewing the process plan in Windchill, the process plan identifier is the portion of the URL after oid=. For example, in the following URL, the process plan identifier is shown in bold text:
http://<Windchill Hostname>:<port>/Windchill/app/#ptc1/tcomp/infoPage?oid=OR:com.ptc.windchill.mpml.processplan.MPMProcessPlan:273985
◦ processPlanNavigationCriteria (JSON)—A JSON payload defining navigation criteria that is the equivalent of a saved filter for a process plan.
◦ relatedAssemblyNavigationCriteria (JSON)—A JSON payload defining navigation criteria that is the equivalent of a saved related assembly filter for a process plan.
• Output: UID of the root work definition for the converted process plan.
The BatchConvertFromProcessPlanID and BatchConvertFromProcessPlanIDContinuation services are called sequentially by ConvertFromProcessPlanID, and are used in tandem to complete the download of process plan data.
As a customization you can execute these services to suit your business needs. The BatchConvertFromProcessPlanID service must finish executing before the BatchConvertFromProcessPlanIDContinuation service starts. This ensures that the necessary output from the BatchConvertFromProcessPlanID service can be provided as an input parameter to the BatchConvertFromProcessPlanIDContinuation service.
The IterativeConvertFromProcessPlanID and IterativeConvertFromProcessPlanIDContinuation services are available for use in customizations, but are not used by default in the process plan conversion.
ConvertFromProcessPlanId—Gets all process plan definitions and their related information from a Windchill process plan identifier, and puts them into the database by calling other conversion services internally, as needed. Accepts the identifiers of saved process plan filters and related assembly filters as input parameters to filter the process plan data being converted.
• Input Parameters:
◦ processPlanId (STRING)—The identifier for the Windchill process plan to be converted. When viewing the process plan in Windchill, the process plan identifier is the portion of the URL after oid=. For example, in the following URL, the process plan identifier is shown in bold text:
http://<Windchill Hostname>:<port>/Windchill/app/#ptc1/tcomp/infoPage?oid=OR:com.ptc.windchill.mpml.processplan.MPMProcessPlan:273985
◦ processPlanNavigationCriteriaId (STRING)—The identifier of a saved filter for the process plan specified in processPlanId.
◦ relatedAssemblyNavigationCriteriaId (STRING)—The identifier of a saved related assembly filter for the process plan specified in processPlanId.
• Output: UID of the root work definition for the converted process plan.
GetMaterialUseValue—Used during the process plan conversion, gets the MaterialUse value that is mapped to the allocation type value that is coming from Windchill.
• Input parameters: materialUse (STRING)
• Output: result (STRING)