Specifying a Saved Filter ID as Navigation Criteria
You can specify the
ID for a saved filter in
Windchill MPMLink to be used as navigation criteria when converting a process plan. Both the
processPlanNavigationCriteria and
relatedAssemblyNavigationCriteria input parameters on the
ConvertFromProcessPlanID service can accept the ID of a saved filter. As these input parameters are both JSON type parameters, specify the saved filter ID as the JSON payload in the following format:
{ "ID": "OR:wt.filter.NavigationCriteria:<saved_filter_ID>" }
For example:
{ "ID": "OR:wt.filter.NavigationCriteria:12345" }
Ensure that ID is for a saved filter that is of the appropriate type for the input parameter in which you are specifying it. Specify the ID of filters saved from the Filters action set of the Structure tab in the processPlanNavigationCriteria input parameter. Specify the ID of filters saved from the Related Assembly Filter action set of the Structure tab in the relatedAssemblyNavigationCriteria input parameter.
If you are specifying a saved filter ID as your navigation criteria, do not include any other information in your JSON payload.
The processPlanNavigationCriteriaId and relatedAssemblyNavigationCriteriaId input parameters on the ConvertFromProcessPlanId service also accept the ID of a saved filter from Windchill MPMLink. As these input parameters are both STRING type parameters, specify the saved filter ID as a STRING value using the format OR:wt.filter.NavigationCriteria:<saved_filter_ID>. For example, OR:wt.filter.NavigationCriteria:12345