About Manipulating Design Objects
Once you place design objects on a sheet, you can move, copy, cut, and paste them, or you can use the transformation options to rotate, magnify, and mirror them on the design sheet. Design objects are either components or connectors. Components can be manipulated in different ways, connections can be cut and pasted with a component, or selected with a component and moved to a different sheet.
To set the component datum as a transformation reference, click File > Options > Design > Enable datum Point prompts for translation.
A preview of the component and fiber path displays when you move components with attached fibers. To disable the fiber path preview, clear the Display fiber preview when moving components check box in the Change design settings page of the Creo Schematics Options dialog box. When you place the component, the fibers automatically reconnect.
Copying and Pasting Components
You can use the commands on the Tools tab to copy selected components and paste them on the current sheet or a different sheet. When you use the Paste command a new instance of the copied artifact is created. When you use the Paste Shapes command another shape of the copied artifact is created. Fibers and highways are filtered out.
Cutting and Pasting Design Objects
You can cut selected design objects and paste them in a different location on the sheet or on a different sheet. When you cut conductors the cut point is determined automatically. To have more control over the results, use the Move to Sheet command. Use the Paste Options dialog box to set options when you paste group members.
Transforming Design Objects
You can rotate, mirror, and scale design objects using the Diagramming tab Transformation commands, or graphics window shortcuts. When you rotate, mirror or scale an object connected conductors automatically adjust to the new position or size.