To Set Work Environment Options
1. Click > . The Creo Schematics Options dialog box opens. The Change environment options for working with Creo Schematics page is open by default.
2. Click or clear a check box to change Startup options.
◦ Display console window—Displays the DOS console window or the command prompt.
◦ Enable advanced schematics—Runs the full version of Creo Schematics.
◦ Play trail file—Plays a trail file from the specified location on startup. Type a file path or click Browse to set the trail file location.
3. Click or clear a check box to change Trail file settings.
◦ Suppress dialog boxes when playing trail file—Suppresses the opening of dialog boxes while playing a trail file.
◦ Restore main window after playing trail file—Restores the main window if it is minimized after a trail file ends.
4. Click or clear a check box to change Catalog settings.
◦ Allow automatic catalog verification—Verifies the catalog when a design opens, a central catalog is selected, or a new design is created using a template that includes a central catalog.
5. Click or clear a check box to change Save design settings. Type a number in the box to change the number of operations a design is saved.
◦ Save design information every number box operations—Saves the design after the specified number of operations.
◦ Automatic design backup—Creates automatic backups of a design.
6. Select an option and click or clear the check box to change Multisheet viewer options.
◦ Layout direction—Sets the layout of sheets in the Multisheet Viewer.
▪ Horizontal—Displays open sheets from left to right.
▪ Vertical—Displays open sheets from top to bottom.
◦ Layout wrapping—Sets the thumbnail wrapping.
▪ Automatic—Performs automatic thumbnail line wrapping.
▪ Manual—Performs manual line wrapping. Type the number of thumbnails in the Wrap Length box.
▪ Wrap length—Sets the number of thumbnails in the Multisheet Viewer. Type a number in the box.
◦ Emphasize main sheet in viewer—Highlights the open sheet in the Multisheet Viewer.
7. Use the General environment options to set additional options.
◦ Sound bell for prompts and messages—Rings a bell when there are prompts and messages.
◦ Display types of messages—Sets the types of messages to display:
▪ Errors, warnings and messages—Displays all messages.
▪ Errors and warnings—Displays error and warning messages.
▪ Errors—Displays only error messages.
◦ Display crosshair cursor—Enables the display of the horizontal and vertical lines attached to the pointer.
◦ Define and manage mapkeys—Manages mapkeys. Click Mapkeys Settings to open the Mapkey Editor.
◦ Define and manage commands—Manages custom commands. Click Custom Command Settings to open the Define Custom Command dialog box.
8. Click OK.