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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

SHA_NEW_BY_POLYLINE terminate action

SHA_NEW_BY_POLYLINE creates a sheet metal part based on an open polyline.


                          |                                       |
                          |                                       |
                          |                                       |
                          +--(:MATERIAL)------|material name|-----+
                          |                                       |
                          |                                       |
                          +--(:SIDE)----------|point 2d|----------+
                          |                                       |
                          |                                       |
                          |                                       |
                          |                   |          |        |
                          |                   +--(:OFF)--+        |
                          |                                       |
                          |                   |          |        |
                          |                   +--(:OFF)--+        |
                          |                                       |
                          +--(:BEND_PROCESS)--|process name|------+
                          |                                       |
                          +--(:RADIUS)--------|confirmed radius|--+


The following options are available to create a sheet metal part by an open polyline.

When to use

Use this action to start a design with a bended sheet metal part.


See also

SHA_ADD_LIP terminate action SHA_ADD_HEM terminate action SHA_ADD_SHEET_BY_OUTLINE terminate action SHA_OFFSET terminate action SHA_ADD_SHEET_BY_POLYLINE terminate action SHA_NEW_BY_OUTLINE terminate action
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