UNITE_3D performs the boolean union of a target part
with one or more tools.
| |
---(UNITE_3D)--+----(:BLANK)--------|blank part|---------->-+---->
| |
| |
| |
The following options are available to unite parts.
- :BLANK - specifies the blank part. You can use the Part
Browser or Select Container to define the part.
- :TOOLS - specifies the tool parts you want to use.
- :KEEP_TOOLS - chooses whether or not to keep the tool(s)
after use.
- :YES - chooses to keep the tool(s).
- :NO - chooses not to keep the tool(s).
The default UNITE_3D control box is displayed:
Blank: /p1
[ ] Keep Tool
You must supply the information as specified in the syntax
Use this action to create a resultant part by adding one or
more tools to an existing part. The resultant part replaces
the existing part in the database.
Note that the tool parts must not intersect each other, and
can only intersect the target part, and that they are in no
way altered by this operation.
The following example unites the original, blank part,
"PartA", with tool part "PartB".
- Enter UNITE_3D to display the default control box.
- Enter "PartA" in the Blank field.
- Enter "PartB" in the Tools field.
- Choose whether or not to keep the tool.
- Enter COMPLETE to tell OneSpace Designer that you
have finished setting up the operation.
- OneSpace Designer unites the two parts.
To perform this operation via the user input area, enter the
following parameter sequence:
All part names must be enclosed by double quotes (" ").
UNITE_3D terminate action
MILL terminate action
EXTRUDE terminate action
SUBTRACT_3D terminate action
BLEND terminate action