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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

BLEND terminate action

BLEND replaces straight or circular edges with cylindrical, variable, or toroidal faces.


|                                                                                     |
|                 +--|edge(s)|--+-------->--------+                     +-|edge(s)|-+ ^
|                 ^             v                 |                     ^           | |
|                               ^                                                   | |
|                               +-------------------<-------------------------------+ |
|                                                                                     ^
|                                                                                     |
|               +-|edge(s)|-+----------->---------+                     +-|edge(s)|-+ |
|               ^           v                     |                     ^           | |
|                        |  |                                v          ^           | |
|                        |  +-(:NEW_END_RADIUS)--------------+-|radius|-+           | |
|                        |  |                                           ^           | |
|                        |  +-(:REVERSE)--------------------------------+           | |
|                        |                                                          | ^
|                        +----------------------------------<-----------------------+ |
|                                                                                     |
|                                                                                     |
|                                       +--------<---------+                          |
|                                       |                  |                          |
|                                       |                  |                          |
|                                       +-(:CHECK)---------+                          |
|                                       |                  |                          |
|                                       +-(:NOCHECK)-------+                          |
+---(:CHECK)--------------------+       |                  |                          |
|                               |       +-(:CHAIN)---------+                          |
+---(:NOCHECK)------------------+       |                  |                          ^
|                               |       +-(:NOCHAIN)-------+                          |
+---(:CHAIN)--------------------+       |                  |                          |
|                               |       +-(:LABEL_FDBK)----+                          |
+---(:NOCHAIN)------------------+       |                  |                          |
|                               |       +-(:NO_LABEL_FDBK)-+                          |
+---(:LABEL_FDBK)---------------+                                                     |
|                               |                                                     |


The following options are available to perform your blend operation.

When to use

Use this action to specify the blends required by your current part.


The following parameter sequence blends a group of existing edges in one operation.

BLEND [specify edge or list of edges] 5.0

See also

FILLET terminate action MILL terminate action EXTRUDE terminate action UNITE_3D terminate action SUBTRACT_3D terminate action
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