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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

ROTATE_2D terminate action

ROTATE_2D rotates selected elements about a defined point, by a defined angle, in the active workplane.


                   |                                     |
                   |                                     |
                   |                                     |
                   |                                     |
                   +->--(:BY_POINTS)->--\         |
           |            |         |
           |    /-------<-------/         |
           |    |                 |
           |    \->-|anchor_pt|->-|new_pt|----->-+
                   |                                     |
                   |                                     |
                   |            |          |             |
                   |            +--(:OFF)--+             |
                   |                                     |


The following options are available to rotate 2D elements.
Option Description
:SELECT specify the element(s) you want to rotate.
:CENTER_POINT specify the point about which you want to rotate the elements (default 0,0).
:ANGLE enter the angle of rotation.
:BY_POINTS enter the angle of rotation by picking an anchor point, which will define a vector between itself and the center point and picking a point in the new direction of the anchor point with respect to the center point.
:REPEAT_FACTOR enter how many times (default = 1) you want the rotation to take place.
:KEEP chooses whether or not to keep the original element(s).
:ONkeeps the original element(s)
:OFFdoes not keep the original element(s). (default)
:APPLY Will perform the move while keeping the selection for further transformations. This is only possible if you do not create new elements during the operation, i.e. :KEEP :OFF :REPEAT_FACTOR 1

When to use

Use this action to rotate 2D elements in the active workplane.


Enter ROTATE and specify the element you want to rotate.

The following parameter sequence keeps the original element, and does a simple rotation of the angle specified.


The element is modified.

See also

MOVE terminate action SCALE_2D terminate action MIRROR_2D terminate action ON_OFF_SA subaction
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