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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

SCALE_2D terminate action

SCALE_2D resizes specified 2D elements about a defined point, by a defined factor, in your active workplane.


                   |                                     |
                   |                                     |
                   |                                     |
                   |                                     |
                   |                                     |
                   |            |          |             |
                   |            +--(:OFF)--+             |
                   |                                     |


The following options are available to scale your elements.
Option Description
:SELECT specifies the elements to be scaled.
:CENTER_POINT specifies a point to be scaled around (default = 0,0).
:SCALE_FACTOR specifies the fraction to be scaled by.
:REPEAT_FACTOR defines the number of times the element(s) will be scaled (default = 1).
:KEEP chooses whether or not to keep the original element(s).
:ONkeeps the original element(s)
:OFFdoes not keep the original element(s). (default)
:APPLY Will perform the move while keeping the selection for further transformations. This is only possible if you do not create new elements during the operation, i.e. :KEEP :OFF :REPEAT_FACTOR 1

When to use

Use this action to scale selected elements in the active workplane.


The following parameter sequence scales the specified 2D elements.

SCALE_2D [specify elements to scale] :CENTER [specify point to scale about] :FACTOR [enter scale factor] :KEEP :ON

See also

MOVE_2D terminate action STRETCH_MOVE_2D terminate action ROTATE_2D terminate action MIRROR_2D terminate action EQUIDISTANCE_2D terminate action MODIFY_RADIUS terminate action CIRCLE terminate action ARC terminate action ON_OFF_SA subaction
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