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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

MOVE terminate action

MOVE modifies a part by repositioning one or more of its faces, bosses, or pockets, and then recalculating the intersections with the other faces of the part.


                    |                                             |
---->(MOVE)---------+------->--------+                            ^
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                    |                        |              |     |
                    |                        +----(:NO)-->--+     |
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                    |                        +----(:NO)-->--+     |
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                    |                       |               |     |
                    |                       +---(:NO)---->--+     ^
                    |                                             |
                                            |               |


The following options are available to define the move operation:

When to use

Use this command to move bosses, pockets, or faces. Distance and angle labels may be used to define the transformation.


See also

POSITION_PA_SA subaction TAPER terminate action CHANGE_HOLE terminate action BODY_CHECK terminate action MODIFY_BLENDS terminate action DELETE_BLEND terminate action MODIFY_3D_DEFAULT interrupt action LOCALOP_DIMENSION_SA subaction
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