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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

DYNAMIC_LIGHT terminate action

DYNAMIC_LIGHT provides interactive modification of the current light source.


---->(DYNAMIC_LIGHT)--|viewport|--|modify light|---->


This action has no options.

When to use

Use this action to change light settings interactively. Use the knob box to modify the way the active light shines on the model.

Alternatively, you can click the corresponding knob button, and specify the necessary information (angle, distance and so on).

Enter COMPLETE to apply the new settings.


The following parameter sequence modifies the lighting of the specified viewport.

DYNAMIC_LIGHT "vport1" [use knobs to modify lighting] [click OK]

All viewport names must be enclosed by double quotes (" ").

See Also

SET_CURRENT_LIGHT terminate action SET_LIGHT_ATTENUATION terminate action SET_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS terminate action SET_LIGHT_COLOR terminate action SET_LIGHT_CONE terminate action SET_LIGHT_DIRECTION terminate action DYNAMIC_LIGHT terminate action SET_LIGHT_FOLLOW terminate action SET_LIGHT_POSITION terminate action SET_LIGHT_SPOT terminate action SET_LIGHT_SWITCH terminate action SET_LIGHT_TYPE terminate action SELECT_VP_SA subaction
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