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Remove Information of 3D Library Parts


This command allows users to remove the information attached to a part when the part was created by 3D Library. After this command was executed a former 3D Library part is migrated to a user defined part with all possibilties to modify or use it for other modeling operations. Informations like part path name, part geometry, face / part colors, resolution etc. are kept.


Enter into command line

   (load "sl_remove_sl") 

Or add this line to your customization file.

Loading this file will create a button "Remove Library Info" in the toolbox.


After the goody got loaded there's a new button in the tool box called "Remove Library Info".

screen shot of goody 'Remove Library Info'

Remove Library Info

3DL Part Select the 3D Library parts to be migrated.
Only 3DL Part Restrict the selection above to 3D Library parts only.
Unshare click on first to unshare the part before the modification(s) take place.
Keep Read Only click on to have the part set read only again after the modification(s) took place.
Keep Thread Information faces marked as a thread by 3D Library are kept as thread defined with Integration Kit function sd-define-thread.
Force Remove at face by default only faces involved into a 3D Library feature are handled. Switching this toggle on all faces are scanned for specific informations and cleared.
Keep switches as default click on to save the above mentioned switches and reuse them when the command is executed the next time.

Normally only 3D Library parts are selected. To select all parts (which might have got some library information by 3D modifications, or in any other way unintended) switch off the 'Only 3DL Part' check box.

The following informations are internally removed

You will be informed about the progress when you have selected lots of parts.


Selected parts located inside a container below a selected part might not be treated correctly

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