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Layout QuickView Mode


High precision layout is the only way to display a layout in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling and to get 3D info into the 2D world. This calculation is very time and memory consuming and therefore inhibits performance. To overcome the problems in situations where a high precision layout is not required (e.g. display in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, dumpscreen accuracy is enough etc.) Creo Elements/Direct Modeling supports layout functionality directly on the faceted model. This mode is called "QuickView". Instead of calculating the layout, and displaying the 2D geometry, Creo Elements/Direct Modeling produces layout views by displaying the 3D object in the specified views. The silhouettes are derived from the facets model when the layout view is drawn on the screen. The QuickView mode takes therefore NO extra memory.


Enter into command line

   (load "quickview") 

Or add this line to your customization file.

This places two new buttons in the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling toolbox.

screen shot of ui


One command in toolbox is called 'Layout Mode' and lets you switch on/off the layout QuickView mode.

The second new command in toolbox one is called 'DWG-Frame' and lets you define a workplane which is added to the drawing list of the QuickView port. It is positioned in a way that it can be used to load/create a drawing frame. The default-name of this workplane is


NOTE: This workplane is NOT connected to the layout. If you want to store it as an MI-file together with the layout you have to do this separately.

A QuickView port offers the following functionality :

Limitations, hints and tricks

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