Importing and Exporting Files > Working with Standards > To Manage Standards
To Manage Standards
1. Click File > Options. The Creo Illustrate Options dialog box opens.
2. Next to Showing, select Global.
3. On the left, select Standard. The Standard-Main page is displayed.
4. To add a standard perform these steps:
a. Click Add. The Illustration Standard dialog box opens.
b. Type a name or browse to a standard (.zip) file, and then click Open. The standard is added to the list.
c. Click Apply. The standard is added to the Standard menu in the startup ribbon.
5. To set a standard as default, select it, and then click Set as Default.
6. To remove a standard, select it, and then click Delete. The standard is deleted from the list.
7. To remove a default standard, perform these steps:
a. Select the standard, and then click Delete. The standard is deleted and the Delete Default Standard dialog box opens.
b. Select another standard from the list in the dialog box to set as default, and then click OK. The new default is set.
8. To replace a standard, perform these steps:
a. Select the standard and click Replace. The Illustration Standard dialog box opens.
b. Select a new standard, and then click Open. The new standard will replace the old one.
9. Click Apply to apply the options and keep the dialog box open, or click OK to apply the options and close the dialog box.
For information about editing shared preferences, see “Customizing Shared Preferences” in the Creo Illustrate Installation and Configuration Guide.