Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Design Basics > Working with an Internal Catalog > Highways > To Edit Highways
To Edit Highways
1. In an open sheet, select the highway to edit.
2. Click Diagramming > Edit Highway, or double-click the highway. The highway appears as a dashed line.
3. Do one of the following:
Position the pointer at the end of the highway until it changes to . Click and drag the highway to reposition it, extend it, or shorten it.
Right-click and choose Add Point or Gap from the shortcut menu. Click to place a point. The Highway now has more than one segment. Move the pointer over the segment. The pointer changes depending on the direction of the highway segment. Click and drag the highway segment to move it.
To move a point, move the pointer over the point. When it changes to click and drag the point.
To remove a point, move the pointer over the point. When it changes to , right-click, and choose Delete Point from the shortcut menu.
4. To add fillets to the points Right-click and choose Fillet all. To remove the fillets right-click again and choose Remove all fillets.
5. Right-click and choose Exit Tool.