To Create Arcs
1. Click Geometry. The Geometry tab opens.
2. Click Line and select a line tool.
3. Click a start point on the sheet.
Click > > to disable or enable the rubber-band.
4. To create a circular arc, click Arc and select a tool:
◦ Center Point Circular Arc—Creates a circular arc from a center point.
◦ Circular Arc Through 3 Points—Creates a circular arc by placing the end points and a third point that defines the radius of the arc.
5. To create a tangent point arc, click the arrow next to Tangent and select one of the arc tools:
◦ Tangent Point Conic Arc—Creates a conic arc.
◦ Tangent Point Parabolic Arc—Creates a parabolic arc.
◦ Tangent Point Elliptical Arc—Creates an elliptical arc.
6. Click a point to set it as the second arc endpoint. The arc attaches to the pointer.
7. Move the pointer to adjust the size of the arc or type values in the X Pos and Y Pos boxes. Click the sheet to anchor the arc.
8. Middle-click or right-click and choose Exit Tool from the shortcut menu.