Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Design Basics > Drawing > Arcs > Controlling the Curve Factor Value
Controlling the Curve Factor Value
The number of segments in the arc is controlled by the curve factor value. This is determined by the value of the arc factor when the arc is created, according to the following formula:
curve_factor = 10**((2.0*LOGe(ARCFAC))/LOGe(2.0)) / (sheet_conv)**2
To calculate the arc factor, the system compares the curve factor with the chord height/length function, as shown in the following formula:
curve factor = (chord_height)**4 / (chord_length)**2
In this function:
The chord_height is the height of the arc above the chord at the midpoint of the arc, and
The chord_length is the length of a chord drawn between the two endpoints of the arc.
If the curve factor is greater than the value in the formula, the arc is halved and the process is repeated.
Because the calculation and comparison are carried out in sheet units, there is no impact on the element's size in the graphics window. The display is more ragged when the element is enlarged or smaller curves are used. To maintain a smooth curve, use a smaller curve factor.