Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Working with Designs > Terminator Tables > About Applying Terminator Tables
About Applying Terminator Tables
You apply a terminator table when you click in the Terminator Table dialog box. After application, a message appears listing the number of pins terminated properly, the number not terminated properly and the number of components containing pins. The Terminator Table Failure Report dialog box opens when there are pins in the design that are not terminated properly. There is a column for the port name, the name of the port's parent, and every property queried. Double-click on the port name to edit the port, its parent, or connected wires. A message appears when there are too many failures to display in the Terminator Table Failure Report dialog box. You can run a manual report on the ports from the Format Report dialog box.
When a dataset sets the port property, it is not changed by applying a terminator table. The port appears as not terminated in the Terminator Table Failure Report dialog box.