Expert Machinist > Cutting Tools > To Create a Tool Model
To Create a Tool Model
1. Create a new Creo Creo Parametric model of type Part, and give it the name of the tool. Reproduce the tool geometry by using the appropriate construction features (protrusions, cuts, and so on).
2. Create a coordinate system to represent the tool origin, that is, the tool control point. This is the point that will follow the tool path computed for machining a feature. Make sure the z-axis of the coordinate system is pointing in the upward direction (into the tool). Change the coordinate system’s name to "TIP" (use Set Up, Name).
3. Establish associativity between the model’s dimensions and tool’s parameters. There are two ways to do this:
Modify appropriate dimension symbols to exactly correspond to the parameter names. Choose Modify from the PART menu, then choose DimCosmetics and Symbol. Select the feature to display dimensions, then select dimension text and enter the new symbolic name, for example, Cutter_Diam.
Add parameters to the model with the names exactly corresponding to the tool parameter names. This method is convenient when you want to define the tool parameters directly in the tool assembly (for example, Cutter_Diam for an insert drill, not for a drill bit).
In some cases, parameter names do not exactly match the labels in the Tool Setup dialog box. For example, spaces are generally replaced with underscores. Sometimes, the parameter name is truncated. To find out the exact parameter name, look in a .tpm file for the appropriate type of tool.
Parameter names are case-insensitive. For example, when modifying a dimension symbol or adding a model parameter for Cutter Diameter, you can use Cutter_Diam, cutter_diam, or CUTTER_DIAM; the system will recognize either of these strings as a tool parameter name.
If an assembly is to be used as a tool model, you can modify dimension symbols or add parameters to any of the component parts as well as to the assembly itself.