Weld and Joint Tree
The Weld and Joint Tree appears above the Model Tree whenever the Welding tab is open. It shows the weld and joint information for the active model. If the tree is collapsed, click Weld and Joint Tree to expand it.
It is often easier to work with welds and joints in the Weld and Joint Tree than in the graphics window, because the tree contains only information related to welds and joints. When you select a feature or object in the Weld and Joint Tree, it is also selected in the graphics window.
Entities in the Weld and Joint Tree 
The following entities can appear in the Weld and Joint Tree:
—Welds and Joints root node
—Weld Processes node
—Weld process feature
—Weld Materials node
—Weld material feature
—Joint Members node (assemblies only)
—Components node. Contains the component references of the Joint Members feature.
—Components that reference the Joint Members feature.
Features that reference the Joint Members feature
—Surface Spot Weld feature
—Light Spot Weld feature
—Weld symbol
—Surface Spot Weld instance
—Light Spot Weld instance
Weld features that are not connected to a Joint Members feature
—Solid fillet weld feature
—Light fillet weld feature
—Surface fillet weld feature
—Weld symbol
—Weld solid
—Solid groove or butt weld feature
—Light groove or butt weld feature
—Surface groove or butt weld feature
—Weld symbol
—Weld solid
—Solid plug or slot weld feature
—Light plug or slot weld feature
—Surface plug or slot weld feature
—Weld symbol
—Weld solid
—Light spot weld feature
—Surface spot weld feature
—Weld symbol
Commands in the Weld and Joint Tree 
Right-click a Joint Members feature in the Weld and Joint Tree to access the following commands:
Activate—Sets the selected Joint Members feature to active. (assemblies only)
Deactivate—Sets the selected Joint Members feature to inactive. (assemblies only)
Right-click a Joint Members feature or Weld feature in the Weld and Joint Tree to access the following commands:
Edit Dimensions—Edits the dimensions of the feature.
Edit Definition—Edits the definition of the feature.
Change Weld Material—Changes the material assigned to the weld.
Change Process—Changes the weld process assigned to the weld.
Suppress—Suppresses the feature
Resume—Resumes a suppressed weld feature
Combine—Combines two or more welds, or reinforces a single weld. Available for fillet and groove/butt welds.
Pattern—Patterns the weld feature.
Group—Creates a local group of the selected features.
Zoom to Selected—Zoom in to the selected feature.
Hide—Hides the feature.
Show—Unhides a hidden feature.
Copy—Copies the feature to the clipboard.
Insert Here—Inserts after the selected feature.
Insert Before—Inserts before the selected feature.
Create a Note—Adds a setup note.
Blank—Blanks the weld.
Unblank—Unblanks a blanked weld.
Convert to—Changes the type of weld to solid, surface, or light.
Delete—Deletes the feature.
Edit Colors—Edits the color of the weld.
Parameters—Edits the feature parameters.
Rename—Renames the feature.
Information—Obtains Feature Information or Model Information, or opens the Reference Viewer.
Weld Solids 
When you create a solid weld feature, a single weld solid is created. Weld solids appear in the Weld and Joint Tree under the weld feature, and are represented by . You can select a weld solid, for example to perform an analysis.
Weld solids are visible in the Weld and Joint Tree by default. You can control their display:
1. On the Weld and Joint Tree toolbar, click Tree Filters. The Tree Filters dialog box opens.
2. On the General tab:
Select the Weld Solids check box to display weld solids in the Weld and Joint Tree.
Clear the Weld Solids check box so weld solids will not be displayed.
3. Click OK.
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