Using the Process Manager in Creo Ansys Simulation
About the Process Manager
In Creo Ansys Simulation the Process Manager is used to monitor the status of meshing or simulation studies. The Process Manager runs minimized at the lower right corner of the screen when you run a simulation study or mesh the model. It displays the number of processes that are currently running as well as the ones that are completed for a session. Even if you close Creo Ansys Simulation or switch to any other Creo application, a simulation study that has already started continues to run and can be monitored using the Process Manager.
To see more detailed information about a particular process, open the Process Manager using the following procedure:
1. Click

to view an expanded view of the summary status of all the processes that have run for the session.
2. Place the mouse cursor over the process for which you want to view more details. Click

and then select
More info to open the
Creo Process Manager dialog box.
Alternatively, click Open Creo Process Manager to open the Creo Process Manager dialog box.
A simulation study process executes the following tasks sequentially:
1. Mesh—Meshes the model.
2. Solve—Solves the simulation study.
3. Results—Calculates basic and advanced result quantities.
Meshing also runs as an independent process when you run the
Generate Mesh command.
If any of the tasks fail, the process stops and does not execute the subsequent tasks. The Process Manager displays a failed status at the task and process level.
For each process displayed in the Process Manager, you can place the mouse cursor over the process, click

and select one of the following actions:
Cancel—Enables you to cancel the selected process that is running. The Process Manager prompts you for a confirmation before cancelling the process.
Open Study—Activates the selected study in the Simulation Tree in
Creo Ansys Simulation. This command is only available from
Creo Ansys Simulation or when
Creo Parametric is in an “idle state” with no dialog boxes or dashboards active.
Diagnostics—Explores diagnostics for the selected simulation study. The
diagnostics file is a log file with detailed information from the Ansys solver. For the diagnostics file to become available, at least one task must run on the solver. If a task fails before the solver run starts, the diagnostics file is not available.
For a mesh generation process, when meshing completes you can click
Diagnostics to open a window that displays the following information:
◦ Number of nodes generated for the mesh.
◦ Number of mesh elements.
Dismiss—Removes the selected process from the list in the Process Manager.
| You cannot erase a model from the session when the Process Manager is running a task related to the model. |