What's New: Creo Parametric 10.0 > > Generative Design > Support for Remote Force Loads in Generative Design
Support for Remote Force Loads in Generative Design
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location:
1. In the Generative Design application, click Loads > Force. The Force Load dialog box opens.
2. In the Distribution list, select Total load at point.
In Generative Design, you can now define a force load through a point and apply it to the preserved geometry surfaces. The behavior of the total load at a point can be one of the following:
Deformable—(Default) Allows the connected bodies to deform and does not add stiffness to the system.
Rigid—Does not allow the connected bodies to deform and adds stiffness to the system.
You can also define the Deformable or Rigid behavior for moment loads. In this case, a remote point is not required. Instead, a centroid of the selected areas is sent to the optimization solver.
With this enhancement, you can easily apply a distributed force over the selected reference where the load is applied. This enhancement captures the design intent without compromising the loading conditions.
Additional Information
The enhancement to define a force load through a point is only supported in Structural studies.
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