What's New: Creo Parametric 10.0 > > Generative Design > Rotational Symmetry Constraint
Rotational Symmetry Constraint
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location:
1. In the Generative Design application, click Add Design Criteria. The Design Criteria dialog box opens.
2. Click Add Constraints > Symmetry > Rotational Symmetry.
You can now use Rotational Symmetry as an additional geometric constraint in the design criteria of a generative study.
In a Symmetry constraint, you can now select planar symmetry, rotational symmetry, or both. When setting up rotational symmetry, you must specify the symmetry axis and the number of instances for the rotational pattern.
When running generative design optimizations, you need the ability to ensure that the optimized geometry is structured symmetrically around an axis. This symmetry may need to be applied in conjunction with the symmetry across a plane.
The previous versions of Creo supported symmetry constraints only across a plane. This enhancement provides greater control over the geometry output of generative optimizations. It helps you generate designs that are radially balanced.
Additional Information
Reconstruction to B-Rep (boundary representation) may not maintain an exact rotational symmetry.
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