Remove Laminate Objects
You can remove laminate objects from the laminate if you do not want them in your design. Removed laminate objects are consumed, and geometry of the laminate object is removed. They cannot be used further in the design. The removed laminate objects do not contribute to mass properties calculation.
You can multiple-select different types of laminate objects, such as ply objects and core objects to remove. When you remove the laminate objects, a remove ply feature is created in the Composite Tree. However, the manual ply or core ply features of the laminate objects remain intact.
Remove laminate objects from the laminate as follows:
1. In the Laminate Tree, select the laminate objects.
2. Do one of the following:
On the mini toolbar, select Remove Ply.
Click Plies > Remove Ply.
3. Click OK.
The removed laminate objects are no longer displayed in the Laminate Tree.
Show the Removed Laminate Objects in the Laminate Tree
Show the removed laminate objects in the Laminate Tree as follows:
1. Click Tree Filters. The Laminate Tree Filters dialog box opens.
2. To show the consumed ply objects, select the Consumed Plies check box.
3. To show the consumed core objects, select the Consumed Cores check box.
4. Click OK.
The consumed ply objects are denoted by and the consumed core objects are denoted by in the Laminate Tree.
Restore the Removed Laminate Objects
Restore the removed laminate objects as follows:
1. In the Composite Tree, right-click the remove ply feature.
2. Do one of the following:
Click Suppress.
Click Delete.
The restored laminate objects are displayed in the Laminate Tree.
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