Create a Note
You can set up notes for features in a composite feature and show them in a drawing view in which the composite feature is the active model.
Consider the following rules and recommendations:
You can create notes for the features in a composite feature. You cannot create notes for the top node of the Composite Tree.
You can show notes in Drawing mode.
You can change the parent of a note to another feature in the Composite Tree. However, you cannot change the parent of a note to a model or the top node of the Composite Tree.
You cannot change the note type of a note in the composite feature. Also, you cannot change the type of a feature note to a regular note annotation.
You cannot assign a designation to a note in the composite feature.
Notes have no designation and parameters, no semantic query, no change type.
You cannot modify a note or change its state if it belongs to a different composite feature.
In a note, you can enter design information and callouts for the ply parameters. When you show the note in a drawing, the callouts are replaced with appropriate values. You must define the syntax for the callouts in one of the following ways:
The syntax for the callout of a ply parameter in a drawing template must be <Parameter name>:PID_. For example, the syntax for a callout of material name is &PTC_ASSIGNED_MATERIAL:PID_. When a ply book is created based on the template, the ply id and the session id of the composite model are added automatically after PID_ and the generated callout is replaced with the actual value.
To manually add a callout for a ply parameter in a drawing, use the syntax <Parameter name>:PID_<ply_name>. For example, the syntax for a callout of a material name is &PTC_ASSIGNED_MATERIAL:PID_PLY_4. When the Composite feature is not an active drawing model, you need to add a session id as well. In this case, the syntax is <Parameter name>:PID_<ply_name>:<session_id>. For example, the syntax for a callout of a material name is &PTC_ASSIGNED_MATERIAL:PID_PLY_4:2.
To see the session id of a composite feature in the Drawing mode, add Session ID column to the Model Tree, and then make the composite feature the active drawing model. The session id of the composite feature is displayed in the Session ID column.
In the Composite Design environment, create a note as follows:
1. In the composite tree, right-click the feature and select Create a Note > Feature. The Text Editor dialog box opens.
2. Type the text or callouts for the ply parameters in the note.
3. Click OK.
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