Creo Layout > References > Fundamentals > PTC Creo Parametric User Interface > The File Menu > Deleting Files > About Deleting Files
About Deleting Files
Erasing Objects in Memory
An object is a file you create using a Creo Parametric.
Every time you save an object, you create a new version of the object and write it to the disk. Creo Parametric numbers each version of an object storage file consecutively (for example, box.sec.1, box.sec.2,box.sec.3).
When you close a window using the Close Window command, the object is no longer displayed but it remains in memory during the current session. Erasing an object removes it from memory but not from disk.
You cannot erase objects while assemblies or drawings that are referencing them are still active.
Erasing an object does not necessarily erase from memory those objects to which it refers (for example, erasing an assembly does not necessarily erase its components).
Deleting Objects
Every time you save an object, you create a new version of the object in memory, and write the previous version to disk. Creo Parametric numbers each version of an object storage file consecutively (for example, box.sec.1, box.sec.2,box.sec.3).
You can use the Delete command to free up disk space and remove old, unnecessary versions of objects:
You can quickly purge Creo Parametric files on disk (any files with version numbers) from an operating system window using the purge script, which is loaded by Creo Parametric at installation.
To use the purge script, type purge string, where string is a filter to match for files.
If you do not include a string, the systems purges all but the latest version of assembly files, part files, datum curve files, and so on. If you do include a string, the system purges only those files that match the string. The string can contain wildcards: (*) matches any number of characters, (?) matches a single character.