Creo Layout > References > Fundamentals > PTC Creo Parametric User Interface > The File Menu > Working with Creo Parametric Files > About Creo Parametric Files
About Creo Parametric Files
The following requirements apply when creating and performing operations on Creo Parametric files:
File names have a 31 character limit. You cannot create or retrieve an object with more than a 31 character file name. However, non-PTC Creo models can have file names that extend up to 80 characters.
You cannot use brackets, such as [ ], { }, or ( ), spaces and punctuation marks (.?!;) in file names.
File names can contain hyphens and underscores, however, the first character in a file name cannot be a hyphen.
Use alphanumeric characters (see hyphen and underscore exception in previous bullet) in file names. Model names and paths can also contain multi-byte characters. Object files containing non-alphanumeric characters (such as " $ & ' * + , / : < = > \ ^ ` | @ # and %) in their names do not display in, and are not retrievable from dialog boxes.
Use only lowercase characters for file names. An object or file on disk always saves with the name in lowercase.
Directory paths can use special characters, such as tilde ( ~ ) and two periods ( .. ) to specify relative paths. It is better, however, to always show the absolute path names (from the root) to avoid problems if you change working directories or use the same configuration file in another startup directory.
A directory path can contain up to 260 characters.
File Format
Saving an object to disk creates a file with the following format: object_name.object_type.version_number
For example, if you create and then save the part bracket, the filename for the part is bracket.prt.1.