How to.. > Work with models > Resolve structure conflicts
Resolve structure conflicts
When you save a model in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, it gives Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager the assembly structure. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling only gives Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager information about the parts of the model that Creo Elements/Direct Modeling has marked as Modified.
You will get a structure conflict when you try to save a model that Creo Elements/Direct Modeling has not marked as Modified and the model's structure in the database doesn't match the one being saved. This can happen when:
You save a model and then undo a structure change in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling without making other changes to the model, and then try to save the model again.
Another team member saves a structure change to a model that you have loaded and you try to save a change lower in the structure. In this case you should receive an alert when your teammate saved the assembly, but if you ignored the alert, you will get a structure conflict when you try to save.
You must resolve the structure conflicts before saving the model.
To investigate the structure conflicts:
1. Refresh the database status in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling.
2. In Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, click File > Model Manager > Structure Compare. The Structure Compare dialog box opens.
3. Select the assembly in the Structure Browser. Alternatively, right-click the assembly in the Structure Browser and, in the shortcut menu, click Model Manager > Structure Compare.
4. Select the versions and click OK. The Compare Results dialog box opens. If there is an alert for the conflicting assembly in Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager Notifications tab, you can use the status inconsistency actions to investigate the conflict.
To synchronize your session structure to the structure in the database:
1. In Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, click File > Model Manager > Reload. The Reload 3D dialog box opens.
2. Select the conflicting assembly. Alternatively, right-click the conflicting assembly and click Model Manager > Reload. You will lose any changes you made in the assembly.
To overwrite the structure in the database with the structure in your session:
1. Set the Modified flag on the assembly in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. (For example, you can toggle the transparency setting for one of the assembly's child parts, drag a workplane into then out of the model, or add then remove a part.)
2. In Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, click File > Model Manager > Save. The Save 3D dialog box opens.
3. Select the assembly in the Structure Browser. Alternatively, right-click the assembly and click Model Manager > Save 3D.
4. Change the Save Type from Conflict to Overwrite or New Revision.
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