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Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access Help Center
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Welcome to Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access
Online tutorials: Everyday uses
The Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access User Interface
Online tutorials: Everyday uses
Online tutorials: Analyze an assembly
Online tutorials: Inspect a 3D design
Online tutorials: Inspect a 2D design
Lightweight viewing options
How to
Load models and other data
Load files
File types
Load additional modules and applications
Lightweight models
Find a point's coordinates
Zoom, pan, and rotate
Show and hide
Switch between 2D and 3D views
Work with the structure and drawing browsers
Show direction in a viewport
Use viewport shortcuts
Configurations overview
Activate and deactivate a configuration
Capture a camera or drawlist in a configuration
Highlight objects in a configuration
Change radius
Detect interference (clash)
Detect Clearance
Create Blends
Modify models
Copy faces and other recognized features
Save, print, and exit
Exit Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access
eDrawings™ Publisher
Export to XVL
Export to Creo View MCAD
Customizing the Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access User Interface
Using the calculator
Using the Select tool
Point 3D CoPilot
Menu options
3D pick mode
Plane mode
Lift Point
View by active plane
Show Coordinates
Freeze Coordinates
Clear 3D Snaps
Direction 3D CoPilot
Vector 3D CoPilot
Axis 3D CoPilot
Delete 2D and 3D
Advanced features and topics
Advanced features
Clash analysis overview
Change clash analysis parameters
Edit clash issue results
Show custom process features
Highlight a custom process feature
Report custom process features
Measure: Advanced topics
Measure 2D and 3D points
Measure 2D points
Measure 3D points
Measure the maximum 3D point
Measure distances
Measure distance between two points
Measure radius
Measure diameter
Measure length of edge
Measure perimeter of face
Measure maximum distance
Measure shortest distances
Measure shortest distance between point and edge
Measure shortest distance between a point and face
Measure shortest distance between a point and curve
Measure shortest distance between a point and surface
Measure shortest distance between two faces
Measure shortest distance between two surfaces
Measure shortest distance between an edge and face
Measure shortest distance between an edge and surface
Measure shortest distance between two edges
Measure angles
Measure angles
Measure an angle from an edge
Measure an angle from a face
Measure an angle from a workplane
Measure an angle from a direction
Measure angle between faces
Measure angle between workplanes
Measure angle between directions
Measure mass properties
Measure part and assembly properties
Measure the properties of faces
Measure axis
Measure 3D axes
Measure the axis between two points
Measure one axis of the global coordinate axes (X, Y, Z)
Measure one axis of the local workplane axes (U, V, W)
Measure the axis of a cylinder, cone, or torus
Measure the axis of an edge tangent
Measure a horizontal axis of a workplane
Measure a vertical axis of a workplane
Measure the normal direction of a face as an axis
Measure direction
Measure 3D directions
Measure the 3D direction of an edge tangent
Measure the 3D direction between two points
Measure the 3D direction of a cylinder, cone, or torus
Measure one direction of the global coordinate axes (X, Y, Z)
Measure one direction of the local workplane axes (U, V, W)
Measure the direction of the view in a viewport
Measure the normal direction of a face
Measure the normal direction of a face as an axis
Measure blends or chamfers
Measure areas
Measure 3D vectors
Measure the coordinate system
Use the structure browser
What the browser displays
Control the browser
Search and filter objects
Use the Drawing Browser
Use 2D
Access 2D Menus
Use the Drawing Browser
Use the 3D Viewport
Using the measure tool
Use the measure tool
Measure an angle between two drawing elements
Measure the length of an edge or curve
Measure the radius of a circle or arc
Set the measure context
Measure the distance between two points
Measure the horizontal distance
Measure the vertical distance
View models and use viewports
Use perspective viewing
Use the Dynamic (or Knobs) Dialog Box
Work with viewports
Create and delete the viewport
Move and resize the viewport
Change the viewport background
Freeze and unfreeze a view
Align the viewport with the workplane
Dynamically manipulate the viewport
Display views
Use the Catch Tool
Position and modify
Use the 3D CoPilot
Position parts and assemblies
Move faces
Move recognized features
Example: Change radius
Create Blends: Advanced
Adjusting the system settings
UI settings
Setting the units
Setting 3D graphical display options
Display objects using Show
Specify a viewport's viewing direction
3D CoPilot settings
Lights overview
Dynamically change the active light
Change any light's brightness
Using the color selector
Change colors with the color editor
Edit Camera
Camera clipping planes
Model clipping planes
Visual capping
Save settings
Suppressing the 3D Annotation owner conflict message
The 2D viewport color menu
Showing docuplanes
Showing annotations
Showing groups of annotations
Redraw settings
The 2D show menu
Reference Topics
Change the active light's attenuation distance
Measure angle between edges
Change the active light's spot power
Change any light's color
3D Library
Turn lights on or off
Change the active light's cone angle
Saving and loading lights
Change the active light's position
Generating color-shaded views
Defining keyboard shortcuts
Controlling command button properties
Customizing toolbars
Other customizing options
Glossary Topic
Creo Elements/Direct 3D Access Help Center
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