show fullkeymap
show fullkeymap [ edit | cmd | helpwins | msgwins | textwins | all] [output= filename]
This command displays all keymappings (including user-defined and default mappings that have not been remapped) for the Edit pane, command line, help windows, message windows, or all windows. The default is show fullkeymap edit.
A list of several windows classes can be made by using a “plus” sign (+) to separate the names. To subtract a window from a list, use a hyphen (-). The option all displays the keymappings for the first two windows named above (that is, edit+cmd). The helpwins option refers to multiple Help windows and is shorthand for: helpwin1+helpwin2+helpwin3+helpwin4. The option msgwins refers to the predefined message windows and is a synonym for msgwin1+msgwin2+ msgwin3+msgwin4. The option textwins is a synonym for helpwins+msgwins.
If the output option is selected, instead writes a list of mappings to filename where filename can be the name of a file (this could be a complete path name). A right angle bracket (>) preceding the file name causes the list of aliases to be appended to the end of the file.
sho fullkeymap
sho fullkeymap all+text
sho fullkeymap output=/homedir/allkeys
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