show keymap
show keymap [ edit | cmd | helpwins | msgwins | textwins | all] [output=filename]
This command displays any user-defined keymappings for the Arbortext Editor window, command line, help windows, message windows, or all, as specified. show keymap edit is the default. all displays the keymappings for the first two windows named above (that is, edit+cmd). helpwins refers to multiple help windows (if used) and is shorthand for: helpwin1 + helpwin2 + helpwin3 + helpwin4. msgwins refers to the predefined message windows and is a synonym for msgwin1 + msgwin2 + msgwin3 + msgwin4. textwins is a synonym for helpwins + msgwins.
If an output value is specified, the command instead writes a list of mappings to filename where filename can be the name of a file or a complete path and file name. A right angle bracket (>) preceding the file name causes the list of aliases to be appended to the end of the file.
sho keymap
sho keymap edit
sho keymap all
sho keymap output=mymaps.txt
sho keymap output=>smaps.txt
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