unmap [window] keyname
This command removes the current user-defined mapping from the specified key. The window argument identifies which window classes are to be affected by unmapping keyname. The keymap attached to the current window is the default.
This command cannot be used to unmap Arbortext Editor's default key mappings. For example, it is impossible to use the unmap command to make the F1 key do nothing.
The value for window, which is a window class name or user-defined keymap, can be any of the following:
edit designates the Edit pane
cmd designates the command line
helpwin (also called helpwin1), helpwin2, helpwin3, helpwin4, msg (also called msgwin1), msgwin2, msgwin3, and msgwin4 designate multiple Help windows. (Use msgwin for Arbortext Editor messages and output from the show, eval, and similar commands.)
window name as returned by the window_name function
@ name designates the name of a user-defined keymap.
If window is a class name, the mapping affects all windows using the specified class keymap, otherwise unmap changes the mapping in the keymap defined by a previous define_keymap or copy_keymap command.
A list of several window classes can be made by using a “plus” sign (+) to separate the names. To subtract a window class from a list, use a hyphen (-). The option all is a synonym for edit+cmd. Note that the helpwins and msgwins are not included in the all option. To map a key for all possible window classes, use: map all+textwins. The textwins option is a synonym for helpwins+msgwins. The helpwins option is shorthand for helpwin1+helpwin2+helpwin3+helpwin4.
unmap f1
unm cmd backspace
unm helpwin2 Tab
unm edit+cmd f1
unm all+textwins-cmd shift-UpArrow
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