文書型 > Document Types Available from Arbortext > DITA Standard Support
DITA Standard Support
Arbortext Editor’s DITA support and shipped document types are based on the 1.3 version of the DITA specification.
The DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) standard was pioneered at IBM and is sponsored by OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), a not-for-profit, international consortium that drives the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business standards. To obtain more information on OASIS and DITA, visit the OASIS web site at www.oasis-open.org/. Refer to the DITA Specification for an overview of the DITA standard. Refer to the DITA Language Reference for specific information about DITA elements and attributes. These documents are available on the OASIS web site. Note that the DITA Version 1.3 Specification is also available in the Arbortext Help Center.
The following sections provide more information about the Arbortext support for the DITA specification. Refer to the Arbortext Styler online help for more information about styling DITA documents.