Help > Authoring > Dialog Boxes > Edit Window > Find Dialog Boxes > Find/Replace Dialog Box — Find Processing Instruction Tab
Find/Replace Dialog Box — Find Processing Instruction Tab
Used to search for a specified processing instruction. You can search referenced file entities as well as the current file.
The Find Processing Instruction tab contains the following options:
PI Type — uses the text box contents for the search. Choose the type of processing instruction for the search from the pulldown list. The list contains all specified types of Touchup menu processing instructions, plus other types such as Bookmark.
Field Name — uses the text box contents to limit the search. Only Font, Generic PI (_pi) and Specified Horizontal Space processing instructions have a Field Name. Choose a name from the pulldown list of field names.
Field Value — uses the text box contents to limit the search. Enter the field value, if any, for the search. For example, enter 10 to search for a _font tag with a TypeSize of 10. If left blank, any field value matches.
Value Search Options — Controls the precision of a search:
Exact Match — narrows the search to an exact match of the field value. Otherwise, a match can occur if the entered value is found anywhere within the attribute value string.
Match Case — makes the field value search case-sensitive.
Match Patterns — treats the entered value as a regular expression for searching.
Find Next — starts and continues the search process.
Direction — determines the direction of the search from the current cursor location. Click the desired option button. The Down option is the default.
Up — searches toward the top of the document.
Down — searches toward the bottom of the document.
You can choose to search the contents of file entities in the Edit category of the Tools > Preferences dialog box. Check the box for Search File Entities on Find. The set entityscan advanced preference setting also controls this setting.