Help > Authoring > Fundamental Tasks > Understanding the Edit Window > Menus > Edit Menu Introduction
Edit Menu Introduction
The Edit menu provides general editing functions for revising documents by cutting, pasting, and inserting data within the document.
Undo — Reverses the last change.
Redo or Repeat— Reverses undo or repeats the last change.
Cut — Deletes the selected region and stores it in a paste buffer (clipboard).
Copy — Makes a copy of the selection and stores it in a paste buffer.
Paste — Inserts the contents of the paste buffer at the cursor location.
Paste Special — Opens the Paste Special dialog box.
Paste Excel — Inserts a table at the cursor location and opens the Excel Import Options dialog box.
Excel data will be pasted in tagged format if sgmlselection is set to on (set command or preference).
Delete — Removes the selection.
Move Up — Moves the selected element up in a DITA map hierarchy.
This choice is only available when you are editing a DITA map.
Move Down — Moves the selected element down in a DITA map hierarchy.
This choice is only available when you are editing a DITA map.
Promote — Moves the selected element to a higher level in a DITA map hierarchy.
This choice is only available when you are editing a DITA map.
Demote — Moves the selected element to a lower level in a DITA map hierarchy.
This choice is only available when you are editing a DITA map.
Delete Markup — Removes the selected markup.
If the cursor is located either inside of or directly after a _comment tag pair, then this menu choice is named Uncomment and removes the comment tags from around the commented content.
Change Markup — Opens the Change Markup dialog box.
Modify Attributes — Opens the Modify Attributes dialog box.
This item will be renamed if the Edit menu is invoked for certain processing instructions:
For _pi tags — Modify Processing Instruction
For _kern tags — Modify Specified Horizontal Space
For _font and _cellfont tags — Modify Font
Quick Attribute — Opens the Quick Attribute dialog box.
Delete All Attributes — Removes all attributes associated with the selected markup.
Change Case — Provides a set of options for changing the case of selected text.
If no selection or highlighting of text is made in the Edit window, capitalization of the word to the right of the cursor is changed.
Select Element Content — Selects the content of the tag pair surrounding the cursor location.
Select Element — Selects the content and tags of the tag pair surrounding the cursor location.
Split — Splits the tag at the cursor location into two tag pairs of the same type.
Join — Joins two or more adjacent tags of the same type into a single tag.
Create Inclusion from Selection — Creates an XML inclusion from the highlighted content.
Edit Selection as XML source — Opens a separate window that allows you to edit the selection as XML (or SGML if the option is Edit Selection as SGML source).
Edit Resolved Document — This submenu offers the following options:
For Editing — Compiles all of the topics referenced in a DITA map into an intermediary XML document and opens the document in a new Arbortext Editor window.
The version of the resolved document produced by this operation enables you to edit the text of the topics included in the map.
For Styling — Compiles either all of the topics referenced in a DITA map or a DITA topic and any files referenced from the topic into an intermediary XML document and opens the document in a new Arbortext Editor window.
The version of the resolved document produced by this operation enables you to use Arbortext Styler to develop a stylesheet for the map or topic.
This choice is only available when you are editing a DITA map.
Edit All Entities and Inclusions — Locks all of the entities and XML inclusions in the document for editing.
Profiles — This submenu offers the following options:
Apply Profiles — Opens the Apply Profiles dialog box, where you can apply profiles to the current document.
View Profiled Document — Opens the Set Profiles dialog box, where you can select profiles and view the profiled current document.
Apply DITAVAL File — Opens the Select File dialog box, where you can select a DITAVAL file to apply to the current document.
The current document is opened in the DITAVAL Preview Window with the DITAVAL settings from the selected file applied. If the current document is a DITA map, you are asked whether to open the map or the Resolved Document for Styling for the map. How the applied DITAVAL rules are displayed is determined by the setting of the set ditavaldebug advanced preference. This choice is only available when you are editing a DITA topic or map.
Create DITAVAL File — Opens the Save As dialog box, where you can indicate the location to create a new DITAVAL file.
When you close the Save As dialog box, the DITAVAL Editor Dialog Box opens for the new file containing the attributes and values from the current document and any associated profiling (.pcf) file. This choice is only available when you are editing a DITA topic or map.
Edit DITAVAL File — Opens the Select File dialog box, where you can select a DITAVAL file to edit.
When you close the Select File dialog box, the DITAVAL Editor dialog box opens for the selected file containing both the contents of the DITAVAL file and the attributes and values from the current document and any associated profiling (.pcf) file. This choice is only available when you are editing a DITA topic or map.
Apply Inline Applicability — Opens the Apply Inline Applicability dialog box, where you can configure inline applicability for the current element.
For more information, see Configuring Inline Applicability.
This menu option is only available if you have enabled the applicability UI. For more information, see Enable Applicability Interface.