Help > Authoring > Graphics > Inserting and Editing Graphics > Inserting Graphics Overview
Inserting Graphics Overview
Arbortext Editor includes graphics in a document by referring to an external graphic file, as opposed to adding them directly to the document file. Your document type definition (DTD) will determine whether graphics are referenced using entities or file references.
The DTD will also determine how graphics appear in your document. You may be able to insert graphic references as inline graphics or block graphics. Inline graphics remain in line with the text surrounding them and do not begin or end a new line. Block graphics cause a line break before and after them.
Using graphic entities adds to the portability of your documents. If you reference a graphic in several documents, and change the location of the graphic file, you only need to change the location in the catalog file, the entity references in the documents will remain valid.
Notations are used to associate a graphics application with a specific type of graphic. A notation must be associated with a graphic entity when it is inserted into a document. Notations must resolve to a graphics application executable file using a public ID or system ID.
If your graphic file includes a previewable bitmap, and the graphics display is enabled for your document, a graphic image appears in the Edit window after you insert a graphic reference.