Macro Language Reference > PIs > Tables > <?tbcboxvp>
This command specifies a pre-move option for <?tbcboxv>. The pre-move option means that any cells that move either fully or half way into their corresponding gaps within a boxhead (when specified to do so by the<?tbcboxv> property) make the space they leave behind available for other cells to move into. This command is always used in conjunction with the <?tbcboxv> command, when that command has a non-zero value of either 1 or 2.
<?tbcboxvp num:n>
Add a pre-move option for <?tbcboxv>
Additional Information
The following examples show the pre-move in use:
The base boxhead without any vertical adjustments being made:
Applying <?tbcboxv=1> to every cell in the boxhead:
Applying <?tbcboxv=1> to every cell in the boxhead and then adding pre-move by specifying <?tbcboxvp=1> too:
Showing that the same thing works when using <?tbcboxv=2> and <?tbcboxvp=1> together, too:
Having made the space available with the pre-move, subsequent cells could stretch into this space instead by using <?tbcboxv=3>.
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