Macro Language Reference > PIs > Tables > <?tbcboxv>
Given the way in which cells stack in a boxed row, some cells can potentially have gaps above or below them. The <?tbcboxv> command can be used to control the vertical justification of the boxed row and how cells handle these gaps. This is a post-process that takes place once initial stacking is complete:
For cells in the boxed that stack above existing cells, <?tbcboxv> will work with the potential gap between the cell itself and the cells that stack above them.
For cells that stack below, the command works with the gap below the cell.
Cells within the boxhead that do not stack in the conventional way, i.e. if their vertical position is based on alternative columns or cells (see <?tbcabove> and <?tbcbelow>), are out of the scope of <?tbcboxv> and its use will give unpredictable results.
<?tbcboxv num:n>
The cells just stack above or below the box row baseline without any adjustments for the gaps above and below the cells (default). The examples below shows a single boxed row highlighted in yellow.
num (cont...)
The cells move fully into the gap above or below them, leaving the gap on the other side of them.
num (cont...)
The cells move half way into the gap above or below them, thus centring themselves within their space.
num (cont...)
The cells stretch to fill in the gap above or below them.