Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is a set of open source specifications that is used to connect your data across domains, applications, and organizations. For more information, see Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration.
You can search for an external resource in an application to create a trace link between the external resource and the application.
The OSLC connector should work with any application that uses OSLC Core Version 3.0 services. It has been tested for Integrity Lifecycle Manager.
Connector Release Version
OSLC connector was delivered in the 8.5.1 release.
Prerequisite: Using the OSLC Connector to Configure the Integration of Windchill with Integrity Lifecycle Manager
Before you use the OSLC connector to connect Windchill with Integrity Lifecycle Manager, complete the steps in Configuring the Digital Product Traceability(DPT) Extension in ThingWorx.
Supported Actions
Supported Triggers
Supported Authorizations
Add OSLC Connection
You need to authorize OSLC for each OSLC connector action. To authorize the OSLC connector, do the following:
1. Drag any action under OSLC to the canvas, place the pointer on the action, and then click or double-click the action.
2. In the OSLC Connection list, select Add New. The Add Connection window opens.
3. Edit the Connection Label field, if you want.
Do not use spaces, special characters, and leading numbers.
4. In the Catalog URL field, enter the OSLC catalog URL.
5. In the User Name and Password fields, enter the correct user name and password to authorize the OSLC connection.
6. In the Concurrent Requests field, specify the number of simultaneous requests that can be sent to the OSLC server. The default is set to 5.
This value depends on your OSLC server setup, and your system administrator sets this value.
7. Click ADD to add the OSLC connection.
A new connection is added to the list.
8. Click TEST to validate the OSLC connection.
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