How the .NET SDK Interacts with ThingWorx Platform
How the .NET SDK Interacts with ThingWorx Platform
One goal of the .NET SDK is to enable you to create an application that communicates with the ThingWorx Platform, and introduces customized functionality for your specific machine/device.
Once you have created an application for your machine/device, your machine/device is represented in the ThingWorx Platform as a Thing (created using a RemoteThing Thing Template). It interacts with the platform as outlined below:
1. From ThingWorx Composer, use the RemoteThing Thing Template to create a Thing that represents your client application. Multiple derivatives of the RemoteThing Thing Template are available. Choose the template that has the functionality your application requires (file transfer, tunneling, for example). After creating your Thing, enable it.
2. Start your client application.
3. Your application attempts to connect to the configured ThingWorx Platform, using the AlwaysOn protocol.
4. Once connected, your application attempts to authenticate with the platform, using an application key.
5. Upon successful authentication, your application sends a BIND message to the platform.
6. Once bound, the platform sends a NotifyPropertyUpdate message to your application.
7. Your application and the platform begin to exchange messages for property updates, service invocations, and event notifications. If the connection is lost, your application continues to attempt to connect with the platform, waiting the number of seconds configured between attempts.
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