Create a Remote Thing on ThingWorx Platform
Create a Remote Thing on ThingWorx Platform
You must create a Thing with the RemoteThing Thing Template in ThingWorx Composer that represents your client application and allows it to communicate with the ThingWorx Platform:
1. Log in to ThingWorx Composer, and add a new Thing and select the RemoteThing Thing Template for the new Thing.
If you have to create many Things that have the same properties, services, and event subscriptions, create your own template, based upon the Thing that you created for your application. Using a template simplifies the maintenance of a large set of Things, and also requires less space on the ThingWorx Platform.
2. (Optional) If your machine/device has access to its serial number through firmware, add an Identifier to the new Thing. If you choose to use an identifier, then you must also use it in your client application in place of the name for the VirtualThing.
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