How to > Use ThingWorx Asset Advisor with EMS and LSR > Prerequisites to Setting Up an EMS Thing for Asset Advisor
Prerequisites to Setting Up an EMS Thing for Asset Advisor
It is important to remember that EMS performs all transactions with the ThingWorx Platform and passes any requests for an LSR device on to that device.
To use ThingWorx Asset Advisor with your Edge devices, configure your EMS and LSR, as follows:
Using ThingWorx Composer, create a non-administrator user and an application key for the EMS to use when connecting to a ThingWorx Platform. When creating the application key, associate that non-administrator user with the application key. For assistance, refer to Create an Application Key for EMS in the How to section of this help center..
Configure the EMS for file transfers. For assistance, refer to Configuring File Transfers.
Configure the EMS for tunneling. For assistance, refer to Configuring Edge Settings for Tunneling.
Configure the parameters for the Lua Script Resource (LSR):
Connection to the EMS over HTTP or HTTPS Server (with an SSL/TLS certificate) — Refer to Configuring the HTTP Server for the LSR (SSL/TLS Certificate)
Edge Thing (asset) to which you want to bind the properties — Refer to Configuring Edge Things. Make sure that you use the name of the Thing here, not an Identifier.
Complete the following tasks using ThingWorx Composer, IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER:
1. Make sure that ThingWorx Composer v.8.2.0 or higher is installed on your ThingWorx Platform.
If you are using ThingWorx v.8.4.0 or later, you MUST configure the platform to allow the import of extensions and then restart the platform. For details, refer to Importing Extensions, "Enabling Extension Import", and platform-settings.json Configuration Details in the ThingWorx Help Center for complete details.
2. Import the following extensions into your ThingWorx Platform. For details about the import procedure, refer to Importing Extensions in the ThingWorx Platform Help Center.
Make sure that you are importing the correct versions of these extensions for your ThingWorx Platform version. The examples in the following list show compatible versions of extension for ThingWorx Platform v.8.5.2 and 8.5.3.
a. ThingWorx Remote Access Extension (RAE) v.1.2.0
This extension adds a new widget to Mashup Builder for remote sessions, the RAClientLinker widget. If you want to use the new Remote Access functionality and you have previously used the original –––--Remote Access Widget in a mashup and want to continue using your mashup, you need to change the widget in your mashup and configure it.
b. ThingWorx Apps, v.8.5.2.dependencies
c. ThingWorx Apps Extension, v.8.5.2
d. ThingWorx Utilities Core v.8.5.3
This extension is required for using the Software Content Manageament (SCM) Extension.
3. Restart the ThingWorx Platform.
4. Import the rest of the extensions
a. ThingWorx Software Content Management (SCM) Extension v.8.5.3
Make sure you have the Extension package.
b. ThingWorx Asset Remoting Extension
5. If you have not already done so, create a non-admin user and an application key for the EMS to present for authentication with the ThingWorx Platform. For details, refer to Create an Application Key for EMS.
6. Make sure that an Administrator has configured the settings for the subsystems, as explained in Administrator Tasks for Using Remote Access, File Transfers, and SCM in Asset Advisor.
For details about ThingWorx Apps, refer to the ThingWorx Apps help center.
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