Hosts with Premature Exits
The Hosts With Premature Exits page provides information about the hosts that have experienced unexpected exits in the last 10 days.
The HOSTS WITH PREMATURE EXITS LIST table displays following information:
• Machine ID of hosts
• Average mean time to exit MTTX for host machine
• Total time for which the host machine has worked
• Number of sessions
• Number of premature exits for the host machine
• Percentage of premature exits out of the total number of sessions
• Change In Rank specifies the difference in the current position of the host machine in the list of number of premature exits, compared to the previous position in the last 10 days.
indicates that the number of exits has increased while
indicates a decrease in number of exits. The number indicates the places moved up or down in the list.
and “0” indicate that there is no change in rank for the specific host machine.
indicates a new entry in the list. This host machine did not have unexpected exits in the previous period.
Click a specific
Machine ID to open a
Machine Page, which has detailed information about the machine.
Click Export Data to save this information to a .csv file.